MELLINGER Valentin died 1 in Monneren (57, F). He married GYRAURS Marguerite.
GYRAURS Marguerite was born 1 about 1650. She married MELLINGER Valentin.
They had the following children:
F i MELLINGER Catherine
HARTENSTEIN Nicolas le Jeune [Parents] was born 1 in 1655 in Menskirch (F). He died 2 on 20 Jan 1730 in Menskirch (F). He married 3 WOLFINGER Eve on 27 Jan 1686 in Ebersviller (F).
WOLFINGER Eve [Parents] was born 1 in 1659 in Ebersviller (F). She died 2 on 17 Mar 1709 in Menskirch (F). She married 3 HARTENSTEIN Nicolas le Jeune on 27 Jan 1686 in Ebersviller (F).
They had the following children:
HARTENSTEIN Jean [Parents] was born 1 in 1620 in Menskirch (F). He died 2 on 04 May 1690 in Menskirch (F). He married PETERSCHMIDT Marie.
PETERSCHMIDT Marie was born 1 about 1619. She died 2 on 06 Jan 1689 in Menskirch (F). She married HARTENSTEIN Jean.
They had the following children:
M i HARTENSTEIN Nicolas le Jeune
HARTENSTEIN Nicolas was born 1 before 1599 in Menskirch (F). He died 2 in Menskirch (F). He married ???.
???. married HARTENSTEIN Nicolas.
They had the following children:
WOLFINGER Mathias was born 1 in Ising (57, F). He died 2 on 25 Mar 1699 in Ising (57, F). He married MUNIER Elisabeth before 1657.
MUNIER Elisabeth was born 1 about 1630 in Menskirch (F). She died 2 on 24 Jan 1703 in Menskirch (F). She married WOLFINGER Mathias before 1657.
They had the following children:
SELLEN Adam [Parents] was born 1 in Halstroff (F). He died 2 in 1722. He married 3, 4 KAAS Marie in 1703 in Halstroff (F).
KAAS Marie died 1 in 1722. She married 2, 3 SELLEN Adam in 1703 in Halstroff (F).
Other marriages:Living
They had the following children:
M i SELLEN Nicolas M ii SELLEN Jean F iii SELLEN Marie Elisabeth F iv SELLEN Catherine F v SELLEN Marguerite M vi SELLEN Philippe was born 1 on 28 Jan 1720 in Halstroff (F). F vii SELLEN Suzanne was born 1 on 27 Sep 1722 in Halstroff (F).
GUILLAUME Jean Nicolas [Parents] was born 1, 2 about 1674 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). He died 3 on 02 May 1754 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). He married 4, 5 GETTE Catherine on 11 Nov 1703 in Chémery-les-Deux (F).
GETTE Catherine [Parents] was born 1 about 1685 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). She died 2 on 07 Jun 1751 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). She married 3, 4 GUILLAUME Jean Nicolas on 11 Nov 1703 in Chémery-les-Deux (F).
Le nom varie entre GETTE et JETTE
They had the following children:
M i GUILLAUME Jean was born 1 about 1704. M ii GUILLAUME Guillaume was born 1 on 27 Sep 1707 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). M iii GUILLAUME François was born 1 on 03 Jan 1709 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). M iv GUILLAUME Pierre was born 1 on 30 Jan 1710 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). F v GUILLAUME Anne Elisabeth was born 1 on 21 Jul 1713 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). She died 2 on 18 Oct 1713 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). F vi GUILLAUME Anne Catherine was born 1 on 31 Dec 1714 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). She died 2 on 11 May 1739 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). M vii GUILLAUME André was born 1 on 15 Sep 1716 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). M viii GUILLAUME Jean Baptiste was born 1 on 05 Mar 1719 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). M ix GUILLAUME Jean Nicolas M x GUILLAUME Paul was born 1 on 22 Aug 1723 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). F xi GUILLAUME Marguerite M xii GUILLAUME Jacques was born 1 on 24 Jul 1726 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). F xiii GUILLAUME Anne Madeleine M xiv GUILLAUME Jacques was born 1 on 16 Jul 1729 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). F xv GUILLAUME Anne Marie F xvi GUILLAUME Elisabeth
GUILLAUME Nicolas was born 1 in 1638. He died 2 on 12 Oct 1721 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). He married JACQUES Jeanne. Nicolas was employed as maire foncier, tisserand.
JACQUES Jeanne was born 1 in 1648. She died 2 on 07 Sep 1720 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). She married GUILLAUME Nicolas.
Le nom varie entre JACQUE, JACQUES et JACQUET
They had the following children:
M i GUILLAUME Jean Nicolas F ii GUILLAUME Agathe F iii GUILLAUME Marguerite F iv GUILLAUME Marie Anne F v GUILLAUME Françoise M vi GUILLAUME Thomas
GETTE Jean died 1 on 06 May 1694 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). He married THOMASSIN Jeanne.
THOMASSIN Jeanne was born 1 about 1658. She died 2 on 05 Jan 1728 in Chémery-les-Deux (F). She married GETTE Jean.
Décédée sous le nom de Jeanne GETTE
They had the following children:
M i GETTE Guillaume F ii GETTE Catherine F iii GETTE Anne was born 1 on 10 Mar 1689 in Chémery-les-Deux (F).
RICHARD Jean died 1 on 04 Jun 1733 in Rodlach (F). He married 2 CLAUS Eve before 1714 in Neudorff (F). Jean was employed as Pâtre.
CLAUS Eve [Parents].Eve married 1 RICHARD Jean before 1714 in Neudorff (F).
Le nom varie entre CLAUS et CLOSS
They had the following children:
M i RICHARD Frédéric F ii RICHARD Anne F iii RICHARD Anne Catherine F iv RICHARD Marie M v RICHARD Claude was born 1 on 21 Jan 1720 in Bibiche (F). M vi RICHARD Jean F vii RICHARD Elisabeth F viii RICHARD Marguerite